Class Details

Intro To Weaving

This class will cover the basics of weaving techniques, terminology, and really just working getting comfortable with hand placement and the art of weaving. Strong hands make it easier, but it will also come in time through practice. Using natural materials such as Douglas Fir sticks and spruce roots, hazel and willow, will come later in the progression of skills.

We will gather in our Ag building, which is huge (but also houses tools and equipment) so we can spread out and maintain our distance. If you have a folding outdoor chair please bring it! Some chairs and workbenches will be provided on-site, but spots can be limited. Bringing a lunch or snack with you, and we'll have coffee and hot tea for everyone.

A variety of my handmade baskets and items will be on display, such as earrings and cedar hats. All of these are class examples of the techniques!

$50 per person with a limit of 10 people per class!

Advanced Weaving

Native plant weaving is a skilled craft, and learning from someone deeply rooted in its traditions ensures that you receive thorough and traditional instruction. You will learn various techniques and the intricacies of working with natural plant material.

Many that we work with are scared materials to North American Tribes in the Pacific Northwest. Working with natural materials can deepen your connection to the environment, enhancing mindfulness and appreciation.

We will work with Cedar, Douglas Fir, Spruce, Sweetgrass, Maidenhair Fern, Woodwardia Fern and others, to create baskets, medallions, mats and more.

Class material fee varies, but classes are kept quite small. More detailed class information can be found on the schedule page.

Intro To Hide Tanning

An all weekend class, beginning Friday evening and wrapping up Sunday evening. Camp spots are available on site!

In this immersive class, we will go from start to finish with a few hides. We’ll start with a green hide, and work all the way through the process to smoking and finishing. Whether you’d like buckskin, hair on blankets, moccasins, knife sheaths, or just rawhide, come and learn the ancient art of preserving hides. 

This class is physically challenging, and turning a hide into something beautiful takes time and hard work. Those with serious physical limitations, recent surgeries, inability to lift heavy objects, are not recommended for this class. There are one day classes offered that would be better suited for folks with physical limitations.

$500 per person with a limit of five people per class!

Intro To Food Preservation

Learn how to preserve the bounty of the seasons! Everything from fruits and vegetables, jams and jellies, to water bath or pressure can and what’s the difference, stews, meats and chili, learn to safely process and store your own food. In just a few hours we’ll pick a recipe and go through the process start to finish, covering safety, common mistakes, and best practices. You’ll finish the day with product to take home as well as the confidence to start stocking your own pantry with homegrown goodness and family favorites.

$40 per person with a limit of 5 people per class!


  • Parking area is anywhere on the gravel pad, please try to stay off the grass when it rains, as it turns to mush when its wet. We can pull you out with the tractor if need be, but it’s easier to just avoid the mud.

  • This is a working farm, construction always in progress, and isn't the best place to bring pets or very small children to run around. If you have a service animal please let me know, or if you have any other needs to be addressed, please feel free to bring them up, and I will do my best to accommodate your needs. I welcome everyone here at my farm, and do my best that everyone feels safe and respected. We do have a very friendly farm dog who wanders around, if that is a safety issue for you please let me know so I can try to seat you in an area the dog cannot access.

  • We have a portapotty available just up the driveway from the Ag building.

  • Smoking is fine on the property, just please outside the Ag building and don’t leave butts on the ground.